Contact profile

The contact profile contains a person's participation history in events created on your Workshop Butler account.

A contact profile contains two types of data:

  • Personal information (name, email, and address).
  • Participation history. 

How to access

To access the list of contacts, click on the  Contacts in the top menu -> choose a contact.


By default, the list contains names in alphabetical order.

You can find a particular profile by typing their name or email address in the search field.

What's in there


Contact's name

It's added when a person registers for the first time to the event created in Workshop Butler or when you register them manually, transfer, or import them.


Contact's address (optional)

It's added when a person registers for the first time to the event created in Workshop Butler, if there is a corresponding field on the registration form, or if you fill in this field when adding them. It's also possible to add the address manually by editing the contact profile.


Contact's email

It's added when a person registers for the first time to the event created in Workshop Butler or when you add them.


Participation history

From here, it's possible to switch to the attendance record for a particular event by clicking on it.

You can edit the profile information which you see at the top or delete a contact profile completely along with all information and participation history.

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