Licensed event invoice

This article is for certification brands.

An event invoice reflects the fee a trainer needs to pay for a licensed event. Every time a trainer adds a new event, the platform creates a related invoice and provides necessary changes during its lifecycle. These invoices are visible to:

  • coordinators of certification brands through the list of events;
  • trainers, managers, and coordinators on an event page in a separate tile. As you can see below, the tile contains a lot of useful information. 

    Trainers will also see the list of all unpaid invoices with the time left till these invoices become overdue.

In order to make Workshop Butler create event invoices, you must activate and configure Price Groups first.


A lifecycle of an event invoice is tightly connected to the lifecycle of a related event. Unfortunately, an event lifecycle is quite complicated and could be erratic due to the behaviour of the users managing it. I'll do my best to make it as clear as possible via numerous examples.


When a new invoice is created, it's in a  Draft state. It means that the platform expects it to change in the future. A good example of this state is an invoice for a newly created licensed event. A trainer may cancel the event, the trainer may change the number of hours/participants and the platform has to recalculate the invoice's amount. 

An invoice gets a Draft state, when:

  • a new event is created, along with the invoice
  • a trainer reschedules a past event and a related invoice is in a Review state
  • a trainer reactivates a cancelled future confirmed event or unconfirmed event.


Workshop Butler moves an invoice to a  Review state when it needs input from a coordinator. For example, when a licensed event is completed, the platform moves a related invoice to a Review state, so a coordinator could take a look and update some properties. A completed event is a confirmed event that has already ended. This status is assigned in the following cases:

  • a paid confirmed event ends
  • a trainer confirms a paid ended event
  • a trainer moves a future confirmed event to the past
  • a trainer reactivates a cancelled past confirmed event.

While an invoice is in a Review state, Workshop Butler can still update its amount if something happens.


An invoice gets a Final state only when a coordinator moves it to this state from UI.

By setting an invoice as Final, a coordinator notifies the platform that the invoice cannot be changed. Probably, because it has already been sent to a trainer. Only a coordinator can move an invoice to this state. Workshop Butler does not make any updates to finalised invoices.


This state is self-describing. When a trainer pays an invoice, you can mark it as Paid in Workshop Butler. Similar to a finalised invoice, Workshop Butler cannot change a paid invoice. However, it can mark the invoice as Paid automatically in some cases. For example, when a free licensed event is completed, a related invoice is marked as Paid, not as Review.

An invoice gets a Paid state, when:

  • a coordinator moves it to this state from UI (the only option for paid events)
  • a free event is completed


An invoice gets a Cancelled state when a trainer cancels an event. 

It's important to remember that Workshop Butler cannot change Final or Paid states of invoices. For example, if you set an invoice as Final and a trainer cancels a related event, the invoice won't get a Cancelled state. It will stay in a Final state and only you can cancel the invoice.

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