Managing API keys
Thanks to API keys, you can integrate Workshop Butler with third-party tools and websites, getting more from your accounts. In most cases, Zapier integration would be enough for your tasks. However, if you need access to raw data, or integrate a website using our integration plugins, you have to add a new API key.
Important note: To integrate Zapier, you will need a Zapier key, not an API key. You can find your Zapier key in the Account Settings -> Zapier tab in the left-side menu.
List of API keys
To see the list of all API keys available for your account, go to Account Settings -> API.
Add API key
To add a new API key, click + Add API key button. Each API key requires two attributes:
- Name. The name helps you to distinguish one key from another. It's also used during the attendee registration process: Workshop Butler records the source of registration and uses the name of the API key for it.
- Type of integration. There are two options: Third-party integration and Website integration. Read more about these two types below.
Type of integration
API key gives access to a wide range of data inside your account. We highly recommend keeping it secret. However, it's not always possible. One such example is a website integration. While using our JS Widgets, you expose the API key to everyone on the Internet. Unfortunately, there is no other way to do it. That is why we split the keys into two groups: Website integration and Third-party integration.
Third-party integration gives you access to all API methods and returns all available data.
Website integration gives you access to API methods, used in the website integration, and also puts restrictions on returned data:
- The list of attendees contains only attendees who have an attribute Visible in the list of attendees set to true
- Attendee data is limited to first and last name, address, name of the organisation, and certificate number.
Selecting Website integration is a safe choice so we recommend choosing this option when you need an API key for JS widgets or the WordPress plugin.