How to add and configure a certificate template
You can add templates to Workshop Butler, using which the system will generate certificates based on the conditions you set. For this, you will need to create a template itself first. Additionally, you can define for which event types or event categories this template should be used, in what language an event should be, what should be the date format, and whether it should be used for Free or Paid events.
How to add a certificate template
- 1
Open Account Settings -> Certificate Templates and click Add Template.
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For certification brands
Select an event type. You can use different templates for different types. We recommend adding a template for All types as it is used as the default one.
Workshop Butler tries to find a template for a specific type and then searches through templates for All types. For example, you have two templates — the first one is for All Types and the second one is for a 1-day Workshop type. When a certificate for an attendee of a 1-day Workshop is required, Workshop Butler checks the second template if it fits other parameters as well (number of trainers, language). If not, then it looks at the first template for All types.
For training companies and trainers with subscriptions
Select a category. You can use different templates for different categories. However, you can only add templates for categories that you created.
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For certification brands only
Select a language. You can use different templates for different languages. We recommend adding a template for All languages as it is used as the default one.
To detect what template to use, Workshop Butler uses the first spoken language of an event. For example, there is an event with two languages: Dutch and English. Workshop Butler tries to find a template for the Dutch language first, then for All languages. If it finds neither of them, it does not produce a certificate.
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Upload a certificate template. Follow this guide to learn how to create a proper certificate template.
After you upload a template, you will see the list of valid tags the system found there. If any of the tags are missing, correct them on a template and reupload it.
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Select the date format. The date format defines how event and certificate issue dates are formatted. It can be either month and year or day, month, and year.
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Decide if you want to limit certificate generation to free or paid events.
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Save changes. To see how the certificate will look, click Generate test certificate link.

When you add a certificate template, Workshop Butler detects how many trainers can use this template, and select the best template based on this number. You can upload several templates for one language if they differ in the number of trainers. During the generation of a certificate, Workshop Butler selects the one that suits best.
There is no need to upload templates for all possible numbers of trainers. The platform tries to find the best template, starting with the number of trainers in a workshop and then decreasing this number one by one.
Example 1: you uploaded two templates - for one and two trainers. If a workshop has two and more trainers, then the platform uses a template for two trainers. If a workshop has one trainer, then the platform uses a template for one trainer.
Example 2: you uploaded one template for two trainers. If a workshop has two and more trainers, then the platform uses a template for two trainers. If a workshop has one trainer, then the platform DOES NOT produce a certificate.