Getting Started Guide for Certification Brands (with Videos)

You have just got access to your account in Workshop Butler and want to start. This guide is here to help you get going on the maximum speed in the shortest time possible.

Each training business is unique and has its own rules for working with trainers and attendees. Luckily, Workshop Butler is flexible enough to satisfy the most complex needs. Here we step by step, in a series of short videos, configure your account. After it, you will be ready to serve clients on a new level!

Let's start with adding event types.

1. Adding event types

To learn more about types of workshops, read this article.

2. Adding workshop fees

Time to move to royalty fees for events. Workshop Butler calculates royalty fees and tells you how much to charge your trainers for each event. This module alone could save you hours of work and hundreds of euros you may forget to collect. To enjoy its advantages, you need to configure it first.

3. Adding badges

It is essential to recognise the achievements of your trainers. And badges are a great way of doing it. Badges are also eye-catching and boost trainers' credibility for potential attendees. You define the rules on what badges to have and how to distribute them. Workshop Butler helps you to assign them to trainers and show them on their profiles. Let's add a few.

4. Defining brand rules

We're almost done with the settings. It's time to decide how much freedom you give trainers for generating certificates and how their ratings should be calculated. Let's start with the rating calculation. In the next video, I'll talk about evaluations, how feedback is collected and used in the system.

As you already know how evaluations are collected, time to consider if there are any limitations for attendees to get certificates. I'll talk about it in the next video.

In the previous step, we talked about certificates. It may leave you wondering how I can upload my certificates to Workshop Butler. I decided to skip this step as it requires more time than you may be ready to invest right now. I recommend continuing with the guide. In the end, you'll find links to articles explaining how to add a new certificate template to your account.

5. Adding a trainer

Congratulations! The initial configuration of your account is over. There are still several less important steps left like integration with MailChimp. Use our documentation to find out about these modules. Now it's time to add your first trainer.

Last but not least is to integrate Workshop Butler with your website. Follow our detailed instructions on how to do that here: Getting Started with Website Integration

That is it! And remember: if you need any help, you can always contact us via a built-in support tool ;). 

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