Getting a correct Slack token

This article is for trainers.

Unfortunately, Slack doesn’t provide officially supported API methods for inviting users to Slack groups. We use an undocumented method which comes with some limitations. One of them is an authentication token. It needs to be generated manually by a user with an Admin role. Follow this step-by-step guide to get one.

Are you an Admin of a Slack channel?

Open a settings panel of your Slack group in a browser and find  Team Settings. The URL should be https://[slack group name] Then check your role.

If it’s Admin, go to the  Generating token step. If it’s something else, go to the next step.

One of your members is an Admin

As you’re not an Admin, you need to find one or create a new Admin. Check the list of members to see if you’re lucky.

In case you have an Admin, simply ask them to generate a token for you. Go to the Generating token step to learn how to do it. Otherwise, check the next step to create a new Admin.

Add a new Admin

To add a new Admin, select a member of your choice and click  Make an Admin. If there’s no one on the list of members you want to give admin rights to, invite yourself one more time to a different email address.

Generating token

If you managed to get to this step, get a high five – the hardest part is done.
Now open the link, select your Slack group, and click Create token.


You should be logged in as a user with an Admin role.

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