Slack integration

This article is for trainers.

Keeping in touch with the attendees of your events is important. Many trainers forget to subscribe their attendees to the newsletters, losing the opportunity to provide additional value to the attendees and get more gigs.

With Workshop Butler, you automate the process of Slack invitation in less than 10 minutes.

How it works

After integrating with Slack, Workshop Butler starts inviting the attendees of your events to selected Slack channels or private groups. Workshop Butler commands Slack to send invites. It doesn’t send them itself. Your attendees receive the invitations right from Slack.

Let's learn how to integrate Slack with your account.


Open your Account Settings and select the Slack tab in the left-side menu


Slack doesn’t provide officially supported API methods for inviting users to your Slack group. Follow a detailed guide to getting a token. Enter your token and click the Activate button.


Select what channel or private group you want new members to add to. If you want to add attendees to several groups, repeat steps 3-6 for each channel.

Notice: Slack adds new members to #random and #general channels by default.

You can also create a new channel/private group from Workshop Butler. For that, you will need only a name.


Select one of the two available categories of attendees:

  • All attendees
  • Only attendees with evaluations

All attendees

This category applies to every attendee you have in your account, including the ones you add manually and the ones who registered but didn’t participate in an event. An attendee gets invited when:

  1. They register for an event using a registration form
  2. You add them manually from the Add Attendee form
  3. They provide an evaluation using an evaluation form, not being previously registered

Only attendees with evaluations

This category includes only attendees who gave you the feedback on an evaluation form. An attendee gets invited when:

  1. They provide an evaluation using an evaluation form and you confirm that evaluation.

If you want to add the attendees from your previous events, check the box  Include attendees from previous events. The attendees will be invited to your Slack group in the next 10-15 minutes.


When you give events on different topics, you may decide to invite only the attendees of the events from one category, not all. In this case, select one or several categories you need. Only the attendees of the events from those categories will be invited to Slack.

If you have a GDPR-compliant consent added to your registration form for the category, you can set what consents the attendees should give to be added to the workspace. Only the attendees who give you all chosen consents will be invited to a Slack workspace.


Don’t forget to save your results!

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