Private and Public event statuses

This article is for training companies and trainers.

When you add an event, Workshop Butler creates a page for it with a unique address (see an example). The address of the page is known only to you. The page is not visible to any search engine and not published in any catalogue.

Differences between private and public events

  • Private events are not visible on an event schedule of a certification brand. Registrations for public events are open to anyone.
  • Private events might be visible on event calendars on your own website but the registration for them is closed. It’s accessible only by a direct link which you can get from the Overview tile. If you run an in-company training and you want to collect registrations, you copy a direct link to the training and share it with the company. The current version of Workshop Butler supports direct links to private events only for built-in event pages.

    Important note: To see whether your certification brand uses an integrated evaluation form, look at the evaluation link. If the link starts with the address of the provider’s website, then the evaluation form is integrated. If the link starts with…, then built-in evaluation pages are used.

How to set event status

You can set an event as Public or Private in the Add Event form:

How private and public events are displayed

In Workshop Butler, public events has an icon with a green eye next to the event title:

Private events has an icon with a red eye:

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