License renewal notifications

This article is for certification brands.

Renewal notifications are sent to a licensee’s email when the license is about to expire or when it’s expired and remind about renewal. If you have added a license agreement for this license type, licensees will be able to renew licenses by themselves following these notifications.

You can send up to 5 emails or choose not to send any at all.

Adding a notification


Go to  Account Settings -> choose License Types on the left-side menu -> choose a license type you need.


Сlick on the  Edit License Type button -> click Edit Noticiations in the lower right corner.


If you haven’t added any notifications yet, click  Add Renewal Notification.


Add the notification name to distinguish between notifications.


Set the period when the notification should be sent: period (day, month, week) and timing (before or after a license expires) 

E.g. you can send 4 notifications before expiration and one after it informing that the license has expired.


Add the subject of the email. We recommend clearly stating the purpose of the email and the license name to make sure a licensee doesn’t miss it and understand what license they need to prolong. 

E.g. Scrum Mastery License expires soon: would you like to renew?


Add the text of the notification

Do not forget to add a renewal link to the text of your notification:

For this link to be active, you need to add a license agreement for this license type. Those licensees who decide to prolong their licenses will click on this link and will be redirected to the agreement they should accept. 

Important note: please do not modify this link. The system will modify it automatically for each licensee when the notification is sent to them.


Save changes.

You can add notifications in any order. The system will arange them automatically using the periods you set for each notification.

Editing a notification

If you want to edit a notification, click on the arrow next to its name.

Deleting a notification

To delete a notification, click on the  Delete Notification link below the editor.

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