Event types

This article is for certification brands. If you are a trainer or a training company manager, read this article.

Event Types allow certification brands to give trainers access only to the events they are qualified to teach and for which they have a necessary license type. 

When you add the types to Workshop Butler, trainers have to select one during the creation of events. Thus they can only create the events you gave them access to.

It’s also useful to trainers because they can group their events and help attendees identify quickly and easily which events from a wide selection to choose. 

All types of events you have given to a trainer will be grouped for them under one category with your brand’s name.

For a certification brand, types of events are also available in:

  • Workshop Butler API and official website integration plugins, so the list of upcoming events can be filtered by event types
  • In various tables, charts, and reports, where you can compare the number of events, ratings, NPS, feedback, and other parameters.
  • License types, allowing you to automatically give access to selected types based on the license type
  • Price group, allowing you to set different prices for different types of events.

To add and manage event types:


Open the dropdown menu in the top right corner, click on Account Settings, and choose Event Types in the Settings section on the left-side menu.


Click on +Add Event Type:


Fill in the Name of the Event Type, the Default Title, and the Min/Max amount chargeable hours per event. See the brief explanation of each below the screenshot.

Name is the name of an event type. A brand must have at least one. A coordinator from Scrum.org, for example, can list Professional Scrum Foundations as an Event Type.

Default Title parameter helps you to add events faster. When a trainer chooses an event type on a form, the system automatically sets the title of a new event to the default value. For example, the Event Type used as an example above can have more than one event associated with it, e.g. 2-day course and 4-day live webinar. The 2-day course might be the default event associated with this Event Type.

Max hours parameter defines a maximum number of chargeable hours per event. For example, max hours = 16, and a trainer creates an event for 25 hours of this type. The trainer will be charged for only 16 hours. Additional 9 hours are free.

Min hours parameter is relevant if trainers can create events of a total amount of hours less than the chargeable amount you set.

If you do not charge per hour, you can type in 0 here.

After adding one or several types, you can give and revoke access to them by selecting trainers from the Facilitators menu.Discard Draft

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