Event reminder

This article is for training companies and trainers.

Workshop Butler sends an automatic reminder to your attendees before an event starts. By default, this message is sent 2 days before an event. Here is an example.

Hi Ben,

I'd like to remind you that you are registered for the Workshop Butler Demo event on September, 28th. 

If you have any questions regarding the event, please, do not hesitate to contact me. You can do it by replying to this email.

Best regards,

Sergey Kotlov

Important note: the language of an event reminder depends on the language of your event, and your settings.


To customise the reminder for a particular event, find the  Mails tile on the event dashboard and click Edit in the Event Reminder section.

Event Reminder Editor

If you do not want to send the reminder to attendees, you can switch it off by selecting the corresponding option on the sidebar and clicking  Save.

To simplify the personalisation of the content, use email tags. Before sending a message, Workshop Butler looks for the tags in an email’s body and replaces them with relevant values.

You can find available tags for an event reminder in the select box in the top right corner of the editor.

Training company accounts can customise the subject and body in the Event Reminder template applying changes to all events. It's also possible to set a different schedule for this template.

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