Event dashboard
This article is for training companies and trainers.
Event Dashboard shows you all information about recently hold events and upcoming events. You can also switch to the Dashboard of a certain event to see the detailed information about it.
To open the Event Dashboard, click on the Dashboard button in the top menu. Here you will see several tiles.
The calendar shows upcoming events with the relevant information for each of them: the number of registrations and sold tickets. Hover over the icon in each column to see what they stand for:
Past events
This tile shows information about recent events with the relevant information - the number of attendees, evaluations, and certificates:
Latest registrations and evaluations
With this tile, you don't have to hop between different events searching for the recently left evaluations or new registrations:
Unpaid invoices
For licensed trainers only. If you are a licensed trainer, you pay a fee to your certification brand for each licensed event you run. Overdue invoices can result in restrictions that a brand coordinator can put on your account. To help prevent such situations, WSB shows you finalized unpaid invoices and the time left till they become overdue.You can click on each event to see the dashboard with information about it. Here, information is grouped into several tiles as well. The tiles help you to concentrate on what's important right now and make a required action faster. Some types of tiles like Overview are always on the dashboard. Other like Evaluations appear when the event moves to a certain state.
The Overview tile contains general information about the event: a description, languages, trainers. You will mostly use it for editing events and accessing important links.
The Attendees tile shows the number of attendees and their participation statuses, as well as the total amount paid by them. You can also add attendees manually by clicking the link on this tile.
Event State
The Event State tile is a place where you can confirm or cancel the event, and make a copy if needed. It could also contain additional info about an invoice for the event if your certification brand charges an event fee.
Mails tile shows automated emails sent to attendees. Here you can customise or disable them, as well as compose your own email. Before you confirm an event, only Welcome Email and Compose Email options are available, the rest appears after event confirmation.
The Evaluation tile gives you a quick look at how many evaluations you received and if any action is required from you.