How to confirm, cancel, or reactivate an event

This article is for training companies and trainers.

To change attendees' participation status, collect feedback, or send follow-ups emails, you need to confirm the event.

Event confirmation

To confirm an event, open its page and click the Confirm button on the Event State tile:

Alternatevely, you can confirm an event from the list of Events in the top menu: click on the down arrow next to the event you want to confirm -> click Confirm.

If you click the button by mistake, you can revoke confirmation by clicking the corresponding button:

Read more about the difference between confirmed and unconfirmed events here.

Event cancellation

If, for some reason, you have to cancel an event, you can do it by clicking the Cancel Event button on the Event State tile.

You can also cancel it from the Events list in the top menu: click on the down arrow next to the event you want to cancel -> click Cancel -> provide the reason for cancelation and confirm.

You don't pay anything for a cancelled event, according to our principle Pay as you earn.

Information about cancelled events is kept in Workshop Butler. To see it, open the list of Events in the top menu -> click on the Canceled filter.

Important note: you cannot cancel an event if it has the attendees with the  Participated status.

The system can also cancel licensed events if the trainer's license expired. In the case, reason of cancellation will be the following: This event was cancelled by Workshop Butler because the license expired.

Event reactivation

You can reactivate a canceled event anytime. For this, click Reactivate Event on the Event State tile.

You can also reactivate it from the  Events list in the top menu: click Canceled filter -> click on the down arrow next to the event you want to reactivate -> click Reactivate.

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