How to assign and manage licenses - for certification brands

This article is for certification brands.

Certification brands can assign licenses of different types to unlimited number of licensees. Licensed training companies can assign licenses to the number of trainers set by a certification brand.

Important note: only one license of each type can be assigned to each profile.

How to assign the first license

The first license is assigned when you add a new licensee to Workshop Butler: a trainer or a training company.

You need to add the following information for any type of licensee:

  • A license type
  • A license version
  • A period within the license is valid
  • A fee.

For companies, you also need to choose the number of seats — the parameter defining the number of trainers who can conduct licensed events within this company.

For trainers, you need to choose who this license belongs to — directly to this trainer (Independent facilitator) or to a company employing this trainer.

Importan note: If you choose that the license belongs to a training company, you don't need to choose any other license settings, because in this case, the company license settings will apply.

How to add several licenses

You can add more licenses from the licensee's profile:


Click Facilitators in the top menu.


Choose a trainer or a company you need and open their profile.

Important note: to switch between the list of trainers and the list of companies, use the filter icon next to the Search field -> choose the licensee you need -> click Apply.


Click the arrow next to the Edit button to open the dropdown menu.


Click the Add License button.


Choose the license type, add the agreement version, subscription periods if necessary, and a fee. For training companies, you will also need to add the number of seats.


Save changes.

How to revoke a license

You can revoke a license by clicking on the Delete link on the Llicense tile in the Licenses tab.

How to renew a license

You can allow licensees to renew licenses by themselves

You can also renew each license manually from your account, although it's not recommended.

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